World Gate

Installed Device


Motus Ax



Device Details
Serial Number
Rod Shot
Flash Shot
Lamp Number
# Name Code Count Price Check
1 Aleste Combi Fiber fac
2 Hipro-V Screen shv
3 Hipro-V Handpiece HHV
4 Smaxel Tube TSM
5 Motus Sphire lens SLM
6 Motus Shutter lens 8
7 Motus Filter rod FLM
8 Synchro Filter rod FRS
9 Cryo-Zet Burshes BCZ
10 Handpiece for Hydra ficial 6in1 HHF
11 Aleste combi 45 Degree mirror DMAC
12 Oxegen Spray for Hydra ficial 9in 1 OSHF9
13 BIO for Hydra ficial 9in 1 BHF9
14 Set of Handpieces for Zenith (12-15-18) HEZ
15 Light for Hydra Ficial 9in1 LHF9
16 Hi frequncy for Hydra Ficial 9in1 HFHF
17 Smaxel Graphic board GBSM
18 Motus Flow sensors FSM
19 Motus Starter convertor SCM
20 Motus Flash lamp 22
21 CO2 Cooling liquid CLCO2
22 Syncho Wheel WSR
23 Handpiece holder for movio HHM
24 Handpiece holder for Synchro HPHS
25 Motus Savving cover 28
26 Motus Handpiece holder HHMX
27 Plastic holder of rod PHRM
28 Protection tube HR PTM
29 Protection tube OC PTOM
30 Protection tube for rod PTRM
31 Motus Water filter WFM
32 Fat meter for Onda FMO
33 Synchro Shutter SS
34 OC Ndyag lens for synchro 187 0 70001187
35 HR Ndyag lens for synchro 193 0 70001193
36 HR lens for synchro 195 0 70001195
37 OC lens for synchro 196 0 70001196
38 Synchro Flash lamp 41
39 Motus Protection lens 027 0 80202027
40 Motus Photo diode lens 891 0 802031891
41 Front lens of HP (14-15-16) for Synchro114 0 80203114
42 Rear lens of HP (10-12) for Synchro115 0 80203115
43 Rear lens of HP (10-12) &front HP(5) for Synchro118 0 80203118
44 Rear lens of moveo 141 0 80203141
45 Front lens of HP 16mm 144 0 80203144
46 Motus Foucs lens 189 0 80203189
47 Motus peliter lens 40
48 Motus Temprature sensors 51
49 Water motor for muveo WMMM
50 Motus Water connector WCMM
51 Synchro Philip miror PMS
52 Front lens of moveo 142 080203142
53 Motus Photo diode board PDBM
54 Motus Board level sensors BLSM
55 Motus Foot switch 60
56 Dim board DBM
57 IPL Flash lamp F169A2
58 Cooling liquid size 10 L for Onda CLO
59 Motus DI Felter L17701
60 Motus Water Tank WT M
61 Synchro Finger switch 10mm L954D1
62 Motus Shutter N100901
63 Motus Interlook N21901
64 Synchro Handpiece 10mm N70001
65 Adaptor N70701
66 Synchro Fiber N80601
67 Motus Green aimming beam 73
68 Motus Handpiece 16mm 732
69 Motus Handpiece 20 mm N85601
70 Motus Fiber N857A1
71 Finger switch for moveo N868L1
72 Finger switch 16mm for Synchro N954I1
73 Handpiece pulling for moveo HPMM
74 Handpiece holder for movio near device 80
75 J-Plasma handpiece 15cm H15JP
76 Vacum pen for Hydra ficial 9in1 VPHF91
77 Handpiece for IPL HIPL
78 Screen for Q-10 SCQ10
79 Flash lamp for Synchro 3.4 FLS34
80 Aleste combi Power supply PSAC
81 Aleste combi Zoom handpiece ZHPAC
82 Ultra sound handpiece for 6in1 USHP61
83 Chinese googles for patient CHGP
84 Tips for HIFU Utims THUM
85 IPL Googles for doctor IPLGD
86 Steel googles for patient SGP
87 Mask for Hydra ficial MHF
88 Tips for HIFU (one direction) THIOD
89 Googles (A) for doctor GAD
90 Nouvag Tube (9x5) mm (6026E) 6026E
91 BIO Handpiece for 6in1 BIHHC61
92 Ndyag handpiece NDYHP
93 Chinese Flash Lamp for IPL CFLIPL
94 Chinese board for IPL CBIPL
95 Opt cooling pad for IPL OCPIPL
96 Handpiece cover for Enixel HCEX
97 Filter for IPL handpiece FIPLH
98 Rod for Ndyag handpiece RNDHP
99 Screen for Diode laser SCDL
100 Chinese Flash Lamp for Ndyag CFLND
101 Fractional handpiece for Q-10 FHPQ10
102 Filter for somke evacuator FSE
103 Flash lamp for Q-10 FLQ10
104 Nouvag hose to bottle (4076) 4076
105 Nouvag Filter (4246) 4246
106 Cooling handpiece 6in1 CHPHF61
107 HR lens for Epicare 501-2140-03 501-2140-03
108 PFN for LP PFELP
109 Fiber injection lens 2 (501-1700-17) 501-1700-17
110 Enternal lens for Epicare hand piece lens (1710-09) 501 -1710-09
111 18mm Handpiece lens for Epicare1715-04 501 -1715-04
112 18mm Handpiece lens for Epicare1715-05 501 -1715-05
113 Calport board CBEC
114 Alex turning lens 2000-03 501-2000-03
115 Fiber injection lens 1 (2000-22) 501-2000-22
116 OC lens for Epicare (2070-18) 501-2070-18
117 Protection tube of rod for Zenith PTRZ
118 Turning lens in Epicare 8000-20A 502-8000-20A
119 Calport for Epicare CEP
120 Adaptor board for Epicare power supply ABEPS
121 Water pump for Zenith WPZ
122 PFN for Zenith PFZTH
123 PFN for LPX PFLP
124 Positive lamp cable for Epicare PLCE
125 Negative lamp cable for Epicare NLCEP
126 internce lens for Zenith 1700-10 504-1700-10
127 PLCX HP Enternce lens for Dual Zenith 1710-35 501-1710-35
128 Alex Photo diode for Zenith 141
129 عدسة حقن الفايبر زينيس 1 504-8050-03
130 OC for Zenith V1- 8050-05 504- 8050-05
131 Oxegen Spray for Hydra ficial 6in 1 OSHF61
132 Nouvag ciroum Hose (6022) 6022
133 RF Handpiece for6in1 RFHR61
134 Ceramic for rod of Synchro T064A2
135 Motus Ceramic for rod 1471
136 Smaxel Board 149
137 قبضة تقشير 9 ب 1 150
138 Control board for Q-10 CBQ10
139 Protective lens for Q-10 PLQ10
140 Cable data for and aimming beam part for Q-10 CDQ10
141 Foot switch for Q-10 FSQ10
142 F100 Suregical handpiece lens for smaxel SL100SM
143 F50 Suregical handpiece lens for smaxel SLF50SM
144 Fractional handpiece lens for smaxel FLSM
145 Cryo-Zet Control board CBCZ
146 Control board and Gravic board for Ashley CBGBA
147 Screen for Ashley SCASH
148 Aleste combi Flash lamp FLAC
149 Hydra handpiece for Hydra Queen HHPHQ
150 Handpiece for Ashley HPASH
151 Endolift 1000 Multi usble Fiber 1000MUFE
152 Endolift 300 Single Fiber 300SFEN
153 J-Plasma handpiece 27cm New style 27NSHJP
154 J-Plasma handpiece 15cm New style 15NSHPJP
155 Aleste combi Valve of gas coolling VGCAC
156 Aleste combi Handpiece holder HHAC
157 Cryo-Zet External filter EFCZ
158 Cryo-Zet Motor filter MFCZ
159 Cryo-Zet Motor MCZ
160 Aleste combi Window lens WLAC
161 J-Plasma handpiece 33cm 33HPJP
162 J-Plasma Earthing plate EPJP
163 Green Aimming beam for Epicare GABEP
164 Red Aimming beam for Epicare RABEP
165 Aleste combi Splitter lens SLAC
166 Aleste combi Control board CBAC
167 Aleste combi Cable data CDAC
168 Aleste combi Cavity of rod CRAC
169 Cavity of rod for Q-10 CRQ10
170 Labtop for Zenith LPZTH
171 Control board for Hydra Queen CBHQ
172 Lamp connector for Epicare LCEP
173 Hipro-V Control board CBHV
174 Aleste combi Cooling circuit CCAC
175 Hipro-V CPU CPUHV
176 Aleste combi Tips of Handpiece THPAC
177 45 Degree mirror for Q-10 45DMQ10
178 Water filter for Epicare WFEP
179 Diamond handpiece for Hydra Queen DHPHQ
180 Aleste combi Diode of power supply DPSAC
181 Screen for Cryo-6 SCC6
182 Genral lens for ep 196
183 Sucrabber for Hydra PDT SHPDT
184 Handpieces for Hydra ficial PDT HPHFPDT
185 Motus Cooling fan CFM
186 Aleste combi Cooling fan CFAC
187 Aleste combi Radiator fan RFAC
188 Epicare LP/LPX Fiber FELP
189 Zenith Fiber FZTH
190 Aleste combi External filter 204
191 DI Felter for Epicare DIFEP
192 Aleste combi Elecrical filter EFAC
193 Aleste combi Water filter WAFAC
194 Flow sensors for Epicare FSEP
195 Aleste Combi Flow sensors FSAC
196 Aleste combi Focus lens 210
197 Cable of foot switch for Epicare CFSEP
198 Green Aimming beam for Smaxel GABSM
199 Aleste combi Green aimming beam GABAC
200 Red aimming beam for Q-10 RABQ10
201 Motus 10mm Handpiece 10HPM
202 Ultra sound HP For Hydra Ficial 9in1 USHF91
203 Hipro-V Tips for Handpiece THPHV
204 USB connection near the device USBEP
205 Aleste combi Temprature contoller TCAC
206 Aleste Combi Input cover of fiber ICFAC
207 HV Board for Smaxel HVBSM
208 HV Box for Smaxel HVXSM
209 Aleste combi IGBT of power supply IGPAC
210 Flash lamp for Epicare FLEP
211 Aleste combi Screen SCAC
212 Screen for Smaxel SCSM
213 Input of cover of PFN IPFNEP
214 Aleste combi Fiber lens FLNAC
215 Level sensors for Epicare LSEP
216 Vaginal handpiece for Smaxel VHPSM
217 Chinese board for Ndyag CBNDG
218 Chinese Screen for Ndyag CSCNDG
219 Cryo-Zet Hose HOCZ
220 Micro prossesor board for Epicare MPBEP
221 Water pump for Hydra Queen WPHQ
222 Screen Board for croy-zet BSCZ
223 Photo diode for Epicare PDEP
224 Power supply for Epicare PSEP
225 Old Water pump for Zenith OWPZTH
226 Old Radiator fan for Epicare ORFEP
227 Old Radiator for Epicare OREP
228 Old Micro prossesor board for Epicare OMPBEP
229 Aleste combi Level sensors LSAC
230 Hipro-V Plastic connection of HP PCHPHV
231 Old Alex rod for Epicare OAREP
232 Old Ndyag rod for Epicare ONDREP
233 Old PFN for Epicare OPFNEP
234 Old Power supply for Epicare OPSEP
235 Pressure switch for Cryo -Zet PSCZ
236 Protective lens of arm for Q-10 PLAQ10
237 Window lens for Epicare WLEP
238 Aleste combi Water pump WPAC
239 Water pump for Q-10 WPQ10
240 Water pump for Smaxel WPSM
241 Aleste Combi Ndyag Rod NRAC
242 Aleste Combi Radiator RAC
243 Rod for Epicare style lp/lpx REPLP
244 Rod for Q-10 RQ10
245 Aleste Combi Simmer board SBAC
246 Second radiator for Cryo- Zet SRCZ
247 Level sensors for Hydra Queen LSHQ
248 Aleste Combi Shutter SAC
249 Aleste Combi Shutter lens SHLAC
250 Screen for Hydra Ficial 91 SCHF91
251 Handpiece for Hydra ficial 9in1 HPHF91
252 Aleste Combi Convertor lens CLAC
253 Temprature sensors for Epicare TSEP
254 Big tips for Hydra Queen BTHQ
255 Tip of handpiece for Smaxel THPSM
256 Small tips for Hydra Queen STHQ
257 Valve for Hydra Queen VHQ
258 Water filter for Diode WFDL
259 Flow sensors for Smaxel FSSM
260 Water pump for Epicare WPEP
261 Motus Old water pump OWPM
262 Pump champer for Zenith PCZTH
263 Motor of handpiece for Enixel MHPEX
264 Handpiece adaptor for Synchro HPAS
265 Aleste Combi Alex Rod ARAC
266 Focus lens for Synchro 070001194
267 Doctor googles for Epicare DGEP
268 Nouvag Luer Lock (4390) 4390
269 Nouvag Luer Lock (4391) 4391
270 Nouvag Luer Lock (4398) 4398
271 Nouvag Luer Lock (28557) 28557
272 Nouvag Luer Lock (4314) 4314
273 Nouvag Cannula (4388) 4388
274 Nouvag Cannula (4483) 4483
275 Nouvag Cannula (4484) 4484
276 Nouvag Cannula (4487) 4487
277 Nouvag Cannula (4488) 4488
278 Nouvag Cannula (4489) 4489
279 Nouvag Cannula (4491) 4491
280 Nouvag Cannula (4498) 4498
281 Nouvag Cannula (4606) 4606
282 Nouvag Cannula (4350) 4350
283 Nouvag Electric Foot-Switch (1511nou) 1511nou
284 Nouvag Air Foot-Switch (15012) 15012
285 Nouvag Handpice Motor (2101nou) 2101nou
286 Nouvag Suction Jar (4052) 4052
287 Nouvag Small Connector For Jar Lid (4047) 4047
288 Nouvag Large Connector For Jar Lid (4056) 4056
289 Nouvag Silicone Ring For Jar Lid (4063) 4063
290 Nouvag O-Ring Silicone For Jar Lid (4064) 4064
291 Nouvag Monokit 0
292 Nouvag Cannula (4486) 4486
293 Nouvag Cannula (4490) 4490
294 Nouvag Handpice (5077) 5077
295 Again Flash lamp 008885588
296 Handpiece for Moveo 2265584
297 HR lens for Epicare (2070-17) 501-2070-17
298 HP Adaptor for Zenith HPAZ
299 Ashely Iron 55555
300 Motus HP Cable 0000000000000000
301 Motus Rod R256665
302 Converter Board for Q10 Converter Board for Q10
303 Window Lens Holder's for Epicare Window Lens Holder's for Epicare
304 HR Lens for Erica HR Lens for Erica
305 Fiber Holder Motus Fiber Holder Motus
306 Handle complete Nouvage (5107) 5107
307 PDT Valve PDT Valve
308 CryoZet Heater Sensor 1 CryoZet Heater Sensor 1
309 CryoZet Heater Sensor 2 CryoZet Heater Sensor 2
310 Again Peliter Again Peliter
311 Vascular handpiece for Q-10 Vascular handpiece for Q-10
312 Rod for Erica Rod for Erica
313 Tube's Rod for Motus Tube's Rod for Motus
314 Nouvag Spray Nouvag Spray
315 Circuit Breaker 16 A Circuit Breaker 16 A
316 PDT Container PDT Container
317 Nouvag Motor Cable (2100nou) 2100nou
318 Zoom HP Lens for Alesti Combi Zoom HP Lens for Alesti Combi
319 Handpiece Holder for Epicare Handpiece Holder for Epicare
320 Fractional Board Smaxel Fractional Board Smaxel
321 Motherboard Lipu Surg Nouvage Motherboard Lipu Surg Nouvage
322 General Electric GE
323 General Water GW
324 Motus HP Cable Repaired Motus HP Cable Repaire
325 Bearing Nouvage BN
326 Head Power for Hipro_V Head Power for Hipro_V
327 Zoom HP for Q10 Zoom HP for Q10
# Operation Count Lamp Shot Rod Shot Lamp Number User Name Date Actions
1 buy 1 0 0 0 thaer tefran